Κωδικός: 12477
Κατόπιν παραγγελίας

Μάσκα Ενεργού Άνθρακα - ΚΑΡΒΟΥΝΟ με Βαλβίδα Εκπνοής, Φιλτράρισμα Υψηλής Απόδοσης, Προστασία από Δυσάρεστες Οσμές, Σκόνη, οργανικούς ατμούς

3,80 € (χωρίς ΦΠΑ)

4,03 €

Ποσότητα: Τεμ.

Βαλβίδα Εκπνοής Ναι
Επίπεδο Προστασίας FFP1
Παρέχει Προστασία από Δυσάρεστες οσμές < TLV for Organic Vapors, Up to 4 x TLV for Particulates
Πρότυπα και Εγκρίσεις Πιστοποίηση CE, EN 149:2001+A1:2009 FFP1 NR D
Σειρά Μασκών Μίας Χρήσης Speciality & Welding
Συστατικά από Φυσικό Ελαστικό Λάτεξ Όχι
Σχέδιο Αναπνευστήρα Κυπελλοειδής
Χαρακτηριστικά 3M™ Cool Flow™ Βαλβίδα, Μέσο Φιλτραρίσματος Υψηλής Απόδοσης, Προστασία από Δυσάρεστες Οσμές
  • Provides FFP1 (NPF 12) protection against dusts, mists and organic vapours
  • Activated carbon layer provides relief against nuisance-level odours
  • 3M™ Cool Flow™ Valve helps reduce heat build-up
  • Convex shape, nose clip and twin strapping helps provide a comfortable fit across a broad range of face shapes
  • Lightweight, cup-shaped design is sturdy and collapse resistant
  • Braided, colour-coded headbands help you identify the protection level offered: blue for FFP1
  • Designed to work well with 3M Eyewear and Hearing Protection products

3M™ Speciality Particulate Respirator 9914 is our lightweight, FFP1 respirator for protection against dusts, mists and organic vapours. It has a convex shape with a nose clip and twin strapping for a comfortable fit across a broad range of face shapes. The activated carbon layer provides relief against nuisance odours, a 3M™ Cool Flow™ Valve reduces heat build-up, and the braided, colour-coded headbands help you quickly identify its protection level.

Get reliable and effective FFP1 breathing protection against dusts, mists and organic vapours, with 3M™ Speciality Particulate Respirator 9914. It features an activated carbon layer that provides relief against nuisance-level odours. Our lightweight, cup-shaped design is sturdy and collapse resistant, and the soft inner face seal, convex shape, nose clip and twin strapping helps to provide a comfortable fit across a broad range of face shapes. The 3M™ Cool Flow™ Valve helps reduce heat build-up so you can stay comfortable, even in hot and humid conditions, and the braided, colour-coded headbands make identification quick and easy: blue for FFP1 (NPF 12). Designed to work well with 3M Eyewear and Hearing Protection products. For full product certification and specifications, click here: Respiratory Products Certificate Selector